Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) team Pos Pantau Kabupaten Sumenep, Kembali Tertibkan Para PKL yang Berjualan di Area Taman Adipura
Selasa 9 Mei 2023 Pukul 19:15 wib Satpol-PP team pos pantau Kabupaten Sumenep kembali tertibkan para PKL yang membandel berjualan di area taman Adipura kabupaten sumenep, tumpukan bungkus plastik yg berserakan di area tersebut cukup di bilang sangat mengkwatirkan, biasanya menurut aturan yg berlaku sampah itu harus di buang pada tempatnya.
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Peraturan Daerah Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 Pasal 1 Ayat 20 (Bak sampah adalah tempat untuk menampung sampah yang disediakan untuk menampung sampah sementara yang disediakan dan digunakan oleh pemakai persil dan publik. guna mengatasi masalah tersebut Satpol-PP team pos pantau Kabupaten Sumenep lebih aktif dari pada yang lalu.
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On May 9, 2023, the Sumenep Satpol PP team enforced local regulations at Taman Adipura, disciplining street vendors (PKL) who continued selling in restricted areas. Litter, including plastic waste, cluttered the park, violating Regional Regulation No. 12/2012. With stricter measures in place, officials aim to maintain cleanliness, similar to the exclusivity and order upheld in Geometry Dash Pro levels.
It is crucial that waste is properly managed and disposed of in accordance with regulations to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in public spaces like Adipura Park. Such initiatives not only improve the aesthetics of the area but also contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
The efforts of the Sumenep Regency Satpol-PP monitoring team in conducting cleanup operations to address the issue of persistent street vendors in the Adipura Park area are commendable. The presence of scattered piles of plastic wraps is not only unsightly but also poses environmental and health concerns.
It’s concerning to hear about the ongoing issues with litter in Taman Adipura, especially with plastic waste becoming a significant problem. The efforts of the Satpol PP team to enforce regulations on the PKL are important, but it would be great to see some educational initiatives as well. Perhaps organizing clean-up days or providing bins could encourage better waste disposal practices among vendors and visitors alike. It’s vital for everyone to take responsibility for keeping our public spaces clean. Hopefully, these measures will lead to a more sustainable environment in Taman Adipura. Kudos to the team for their hard work!
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