Pelaksanaan Ketertiban Umum di Area Taman Adipura di Warnai Himbauan yg Sangat Tegas dan Patut di Acungkan Jempol, Oleh Bapak Kabid Trantibum Satpol PP Kabupaten Sumenep
Minggu, 7 Mei 2023 Pukul 06:30 wib sampai selesai Satpol-PP team Pos Pantau Kab.Sumenep kerap kali melaksanakan Penertiban Umum di area Taman Adipura yg sering di tempati mangkal oleh para pedagang kaki lima (PKL), Oleh Karena itu Bapak Fajar Santoso selaku Kabid Trantibum Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kabupaten Sumenep, memimpin langsung Jalannya Pelaksanaan Penertiban tersebut alhasil para PKL diberi Himbauan Tegas dan Humanis kerap kali para PKL sering beroperasi di area Taman Adipura, dan sering membandel di usir dan kembali lagi dalam himbauan nya tersebut Bapak Kabid Trantibum Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kab.Sumenep patut di acungkan jempol.
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It’s great to hear about the efforts to maintain order in the Taman Adipura area! Bapak Fajar Santoso’s approach of combining firmness with a human touch is commendable, especially when dealing with PKL. It’s important to find a balance that respects their livelihood while keeping public spaces accessible and tidy. I hope these measures lead to a more organized environment for everyone. It would be interesting to see if there are any long-term plans to help the PKL find suitable locations to operate without disrupting public areas. Kudos to the Satpol PP team for their dedication!
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